The “Bloody Spell” system is that, Yejin uses special skills in the body’s evil spirit curse to achieve various effects such as violent walking, bullet time, roar breaking, assassination execution, counterattack and blood return, etc., which is to enhance the character’s attack power and auxiliary combat. And to simplify the battle, add to the character and weapon attributes, and some even play a role in determining the battle.

Bloody Spell Reworked Pre-installed Game Download

“Bloody Spell” is a martial arts action role-playing game. The core of the game is battle-oriented, and it combines many fighting elements and systems. Ten years ago, Yejin and his sister Li went to practice martial arts under the sect of Wanfa. Since then, they have been far away from the complicated human world. Ten years later, the mysterious organization that claimed to be Void Legion invaded the sect, and then the world was in chaos, and the brothers and sisters were reinvested in the chaotic world. The sisters who are dependent on each other are taken hostage, and the disciples have been killed in one by one. At the moment when the bloodthirsty spell is opened, Yejin who knows himself, can he fulfill his commitment to everyone? And who is the last to be able to help the building, to save the devastated world. Bloody Spell Reworked Free Download

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