Whether you grow your fledgling settlement into a bustling inn or a central trade hub, or you instead content yourself with building a prosperous and self-sufficient homestead or livestock ranch, everything rests in your hands including the very lives of your clanfolk. Craft your family’s story from start to finish across multiple generations.

Clanfolk Pre-installed Game Download

Clanfolk is a challenging medieval colony sim that takes you to the Scottish Highlands and pits you against nature itself. Starting with an empty plot of land and only your closest family, you will learn to survive as you establish your hearth and home, watch over your livestock, harvest your fields, and fight the bitter winter. The warm summers give way to crisp fall nights and brutal winters before life and spring return to the highlands your survival depends on your ability to plan ahead and adapt to the flow of the seasons. Clanfolk Free Download Repack-Games.com

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