There’s always a new myth to unlock, so level up to try the next experiment. Be careful and be prepared, because each experiment carries a huge risk. And remember don’t try it at home. Solve puzzles in the Blueprint Zone to work out the mechanics of each myth. Collect the materials for experiments and craft the equipment to use.

MythBusters The Game Crazy Experiments Simulator Pre-installed Game Download

 MythBusters The Game is an official video game adaptation of the legendary Discovery show. Become a Mythbuster yourself, both in front of and behind the camera. Utilize the full MythBusters Workshop, and explore other locations like the warehouse, MythBusters Hall, and the testing ground. Confirm or bust crazy real-life myths, or deem them plausible. Build your audience to get as much popularity as you can. MythBusters The Game Crazy Experiments Simulator Free Download

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